I've been trying to train my dog Ginger. She is so adorable...and very personable.

She cannot be in a different room than either my roommate or myself...its really funny sometimes. She follows us around all day long and if I go into one room and my roommate goes into another, she stops and looks at us and then decides who she is going to sit/lay by. She lets me know when she wants something by sitting and begging. Ginger actually knows how and when to get "kinks" out of the hose if the water is not coming out fast enough for her. I bought her a "kiddie" pool and she loves to get into it and wade, chase leaves, and even make her sister come and drink. Her sister lives upstairs with another family. I could spend hours watching the two of them, because they look like they are really fighting, but neither of them hurt the other, nor is there ever any blood letting between them. We call her a "Giant Jack Russell". (Picture, Ginger is white w/brown, her sister is brown w/white)
Do I have anything to bitch about today...well, I could, but the only good it would do is let me vent...and that might be good for me...but not so interesting for you!!
Have any of you ever had to deal with these Superior Court archive, to obtain records? Wow...I spent over an hour trying to find the right phone number, the right person, etc. and all I ended up doing is emailing the docs unit of archive begging for information on how to obtain a 20+ year old case. What a mess!!
Well, hopefully they will get back to me this century!!
See you soon!! I promise not to go so long without writing!!
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